Tuesday, June 4, 2013

There are no roads, only destinations.

Easter 2013.
I visited Russia again.
Moscow airport was surrounded by snow.
Outside Moscow the road to the north was not busy.
I learned a Russian saying; "There are no roads, only destinations".
The River Volga was frozen. Men were fishing. They had cut holes through the ice.
I visted many schools. I was pleased to see my Russian students again.
Everyone was happy. Many Russian students spoke in English. Two students spoke in German.
I was made to speak in French by three students.
Students at the Technical College presented a collection of poems, stories and music.
I was taken to a bar-b-que near to the River Volga. We ate fish and meat and there were jokes and stories.
I was also taken to a party where there was dancing and traditional Russian songs were sung.
During my final week I lived with a wonderful Russian family in a small farm house.
It was made of wood and it was very warm.
Everywhere in the village there was crisp and frozen snow.
I visited some more schools. There was a town concert. Each school sent their best entertainers.
All the student entertainers were confident and enthusiastic. All their teachers were very busy.
I also visited a wonderful workshop.
In this workshop Russian craftsmen and women make traditional wooden toys.
I was taught to paint a wooden ball. It will hang on our Christmas Tree next December.
The end of winter is the worst time for the roads.
But the people in their homes, work-places and schools were pleased to help me.
So perhaps it can be true that there may be no roads, but the destinations are wonderful.
I enjoyed all my conversations.